When you decide to relocate to Nashville, finding the right elementary school matters. Nashville is filled with great schools all throughout the city and the suburb. If the school district you live in matters, this list is certainly for you.
It's important to understand where the best schools are, even if you don't have children. Homes in top school districts often have a better resale value, which will come into play at some point. Here's a look at the top elementary schools found in Nashville.
Lipscomb Elementary School
According to Bizjournals.com, Lipscomb Elementary is the third best elementary school in Nashville. It has an A rating from Niche and was graded with an A+ for Academics and an A for teachers. The only mark not as great for the school as the C+ it received for diversity. This elementary school serves part of the Brentwood, TN area.
Sunset Elementary School
BizJournals.com ranks Sunset Elementary as their fifth-best elementary school. It received an A rating from Niche.com and both an A for Teachers and an A for Academics. The diversity score was a B-. This highly rated elementary school in Nashville also serves the Brentwood area.
Longview Elementary School
Another great elementary school found in Nashville, Longview Elementary was placed in the 9th spot on the BizJournal.com list of top elementary schools in Nashville. It received an A rating from Niche.com and an A for both Academics and Teachers. The diversity score was a C+, however. This elementary school serves the Spring Hill area.
College Grove Elementary School
Landing in the 12th spot on the list from BizJournal.com, College Grove Elementary School received an A from Niche.com. It also received an A+ for Academics and an A- for Teachers. The diversity score was a C+ and this school services the College Grove area.
Clovercroft Elementary School
Found in the top spot on the BizJournal.com list, Clovercroft Elementary School was given an A from Niche.com and an A for Teachers. The school received an A+ for Academics and a B- for diversity. This elementary school serves the Franklin area and it's widely known as one of the best schools in the Nashville area.
Hillsboro Elementary/Middle School
Both an elementary and middle school, Hillsboro was rated with an A from Niche.com. The BizJournal.com rated the school as the 4th best in Nashville and it was given an A+ for academics. The Teachers rating was an A and the diversity rating was a C. This school serves the Franklin area of Nashville.
Kenrose Elementary School
Rated at the second best elementary school in Nashville by BizJournal.com, Kenrose Elementary was given an A rating by Niche.com and an A for Teachers. It also received an A+ rating for Academics and a B- for diversity. This elementary school serves the Brentwood area.
Percy Priest Elementary School
Voted "Best Elementary School" in Nashville Scene, Percy Priest Elementary was given the 2017-18 Reward School (top 5% in state) for Achievement on 2016-17 TN Ready. It also received an A- overall Niche rating and an A for teacher rating. This elementary school serves the Forest Hills area.
Julia Green Elementary School
Julia Green Elementary School is a highly rated, public, magnet school located in Nashville, TN. It also received an A rating for Academics and a A for teachers. This elementary school serves the Green Hills area.
Other highly rated elementary schools in Nashville include:
- Trinity Elementary School
- Moore Elementary School
- Longview Elementary School
- Edmonson Elementary School
- Grassland Elementary School
- Nolensville Elementary School
- Walnut Grove Elementary School
- Heritage Elementary School
- Pearre Creek Elementary School
- Poplar Grove Elementary School
- Franklin Elementary School
Many of the top-rated elementary schools in the Nashville area are found in Brentwood and Franklin. It's common to find the best schools in Nashville in the suburbs.